
Any person who lives in this parish has the right to a funeral in this Church and or at the Crematorium.

Prayers will have been said in Church in the period immediately following the death. If your loved one was cremated and you wish the ashes to be buried in the Church yard, please ask at the Parish Office for details. On anniversaries you will be welcome to come into Church to say prayers or light a candle in remembrance. The Church is open on most days in the morning and in the evening.

Over these next weeks, months or even years, you may find yourself experiencing a range of confusing emotions. These may include regret, guilt and anger. You may find it difficult to deal with, and tears may come without warning at unexpected times. When you have lost someone you loved there is no way of avoiding the pain which bereavement brings. There is simply the need to “go through” the process of the experience, and to be aware that others have travelled this road before you.

You will find that the help of your family and friends is a great solace to you. You will also find that the Church, as well as other organisations, is also available to help. In addition to visits of the Rector or Curate at the time of your bereavement, you may also receive a pastoral visit from one of the St Laurence pastoral team. They will provide confidential help if you request it as you adjust to the new pattern of your life.

Always remember that your loved one was given a Christian funeral and is now in the care of God.

Please call at any time.

Fr. Neil (Rector) 01257 266037

Parish Office 01257 231360

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